Ahoy Port Mates . We are lowering LTV ratio for MER and SBR gradually to 0. But why .

12 Jul 2022, 12:09
Ahoy Port Mates 🧜🏻! We are lowering LTV ratio for MER and SBR gradually to 0. But why 😢? This is mainly due to the low liquidity and lack of demand, thus making them unsuitable assets for collaterisation but it doesn't mean good bye, once there is enough liquidity and demand for those 2, we will consider adding them back 😁. If i have any one of the above assets still in lending or borrowing, does it affect me? It won't affect you as much, you will just have lesser amount to borrow if you supply them as we are continuing to lower the LTV. Should there be any issues please feel free to let our friendly community members know and they will be able to address your concern.